Rich Motruk, Chief Operating Officer of Kymanox Profile

Richard Motruk
Chief Operating Officer of Kymanox

Rich Motruk, Chief Operating Officer of Kymanox Certificate

“Delivering Right Solutions with Efficiency”

Richard Motruk’s industry experience is quite broad, having held roles in Quality, Clinical Research, Manufacturing, Process Engineering, and Operations. When developing plans or solutions to address projects, whether client or internal initiatives, the COO of Kymanox Corporation’s diverse background includes a multifaceted perspective that delivers the right-sized solution with pragmatic quality and efficiency. This ability to consider all angles of a problem makes Richard particularly adept at leading multidisciplinary teams and extracting the best ideas and most pertinent considerations from each team member—from individual contributor to an executive. The whole journey has assisted him in transitioning from his previous experience, which was all derived within an operating company paradigm, to the unique challenges associated with the professional services industry.

Beyond this broad experience, Richard is deeply versed in data analytics and statistical analysis, acquired early on in his career during a brief stint in clinical research, trying to compare the pharmacokinetics of one drug formulation to others. Richard realized the statistical skills he garnered while evaluating the metabolism of drugs could be applied to nearly all other functional areas in the industry, from R&D to Quality to Manufacturing and Engineering. Richard now utilizes these skill sets at Kymanox to solve problems around business analytics, functional and project resourcing, and solution architecture for complex programs and projects.

Kymanox prides itself in providing turnkey solutions to its clients, often for mission-critical projects and programs across a wide array of disciplines. Kymanox can deploy varying degrees of expertise and bandwidth to match what is needed by its clients, who are trying to bring important medicines to patients in need. The mission at Kymanox isn’t to solve the immediate problem in front of the clients but to help leave them processes, systems, or new approaches to situations that the client can assimilate and use on their own without necessarily having to re-engage Kymanox. “As such, Ideal Knowledge Transfer™ (IKT™), is at the heart of every project we work on for our clients. Sometimes this is as simple as delivering the project and training existing personnel at our clients to be able to handle the situation on their own in the future or helping our clients with their resourcing to fill competency gaps they may have,” says Richard. Other times it is more complex. One great example relates to the newer requirements from the FDA on emergency-use devices regarding reliability. Kymanox has been at the forefront of this industry-wide initiative.

"A successful Production, Engineering and Technical Operations leader with 16 plus years of experience in the pharmaceutical and medical device industry, distinguished by many documented successes commercializing and optimizing products and processes."

A couple of years before the FDA issued the draft guidance document on emergency-use products (e.g., auto-injectors used to treat serious allergic reactions and opioid overdoses) and the expectations on the reliability thresholds and how they were to be demonstrated, Kymanox was helping both small-cap and large-cap organizations interpret and develop strategies to address these new requirements. Along the way, it became obvious that not only did the drug/device sponsors require a playbook explaining how to address the new reliability expectations, but the reliability of the combination products was heavily influenced by the sponsor’s vendors' ability to supply the sub-components incorporated into the finished device and deliver those sub-components with extremely tight tolerances.

Consequently, Kymanox realized that they needed to assist clients and the clients’ suppliers. To ensure success beyond this one project, the best way to help clients would be to transfer the same knowledge to the clients’ component suppliers. “In doing so, we helped these component suppliers not only understand how the FDA expectations on the device sponsors were going to impact them, we helped them establish new sampling and data analytics techniques to optimize their component manufacturing processes to reduce variation to the greatest extent possible, but also be able to provide their customers with the objective evidence the FDA would require,” explains Richard.

Kymanox recently completed a growth recapitalization investment from WestView Capital Partners, which funded the acquisition of Neuma. The WestView investment provides Kymanox the capital required to invest more heavily, more confidently, and to accelerate growth responsibly. Mr. Motruk states, “WestView enables Kymanox to continue its storied success and that success can best be measured by the success of our clients’ programs.” IE




Richard Motruk
Chief Operating Officer of Kymanox


Kymanox is Your Life Science Solutions Partner. We are a premier technical products and project management company. We are experts in providing our clients in the Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical, and Medical Device, and Combination Product industries with engineering, scientific, regulatory, and process operations support. We help bring products from bench to patient. We differentiate ourselves by offering a broad range of technical services and products with turnkey project delivery. We serve clients globally from our headquarters in Raleigh (RTP), North Carolina and offices across the US.

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