Bruce Marginson, President Fusion Security, 10 Most Empowering Leaders of 2023

Bruce Marginson
Fusion Security

Bruce Marginson, President Fusion Security

The Achieving Unprecedented Success

Bruce Marginson of Fusion Security, believes that the core of service is ‘People.’ In a world where IT and software seem to replace people, they do not have the ‘heart’ humans bring to the table. “Developing the human aspect of a business is, in my opinion, critical. I inspire my team guided by the ancient story of the Greek Sisyphus who endlessly rolls a ball up a hill; a modern-day interpretation to me means you can never take your foot off the gas,” explains Bruce. “Good enough is never good enough. We must always look to continuously improve, whether by small steps or large. Today, modern technology allows us better methods to deliver and manage our service. But again, the core is service and through that we achieve success.”

For Bruce, success comes in many steps, stages, and increments. “Small victories are still victories. Celebrate them and learn from mistakes. In time your successes will be bigger and require additional people to make them happen,” elucidates Bruce. “Celebrate that success with your teams and those that helped you on your journey. One of my personal measures of success is in seeing the number of people who we have worked with, that have ventured out on their own to start their own successful businesses.” Many of these people attribute their success to their experience with Fusion Security and the confidence they have achieved by working in Bruce’s team. “It is to this end that my personal way to give back is by volunteering as a mentor for startup companies and through incubators. I find this to be very rewarding and exciting to do,” he adds.

The pioneering leader has been fortunate to have several mentors. Bruce’s previous employers, Brian and Rick, were visionaries in transforming the security industry. He learned that while being a subject matter expert was beneficial, the culture and leadership truly transformed a company into a trustworthy service organization. “The investment in people makes a difference,” states Bruce. “My advice to everyone is to recognize that no one is perfect, and everyone makes mistakes. Learn who you are. Self-awareness is a rare quality and self-actualization is even rarer. Look at who you are and how you can be better, but always accept and understand who you are.”

Fusion Security is a full service Vancouver and Fraser Valley security company providing security personnel, mobile patrols and response, electronic security system installation and monitoring, security hardware and security assessments to our clients. We meet the security needs of small, medium and large businesses and organizations throughout Greater Vancouver, the Lower Mainland and across Canada. We have clients in a wide variety of sectors, including government, retail, commercial, and residential.

Bruce has been taking the company to new heights with this brilliant mindset. Fusion Security is a full-service Vancouver and Fraser Valley security company providing security personnel, mobile patrols and response, electronic security system installation and monitoring, security hardware, and security assessments to their clients. The company meets the security needs of small, medium, and large businesses and organizations throughout Greater Vancouver, the Lower Mainland, and Western Canada.

Clients choose Fusion Security because they trust the organization to do what is suitable for THEM. Putting the needs of the client first allows them both to succeed. “A situation comes to mind that demonstrates this. After winning a tender to provide workforce security for a large prestigious office complex, we approached the client before service delivery had started and recommended a reduction in the number of people required,” explains Bruce. “This astounded the client who said, “You haven’t even started, and you are cutting your business!” We felt that we could deliver the service better with fewer people by making some changes to the program and providing better people. In the end, we were correct, and subsequently, the customer turned over much more business to us.”

Fusion Security has been fortunate to work with some large and geographically diverse organizations where their integrated security approach has allowed significant improvements in security and safety while enabling substantial cost savings. Fusion Security has dramatically improved efficiency and effectiveness with companies of this size and scope and significantly reduced risk by integrating electronic security solutions with workforce security and procedures. “We make the human element more effective and increase their ‘human bandwidth’ using technology while reducing the ‘opportunity’ for crime,” says Bruce. “And the best part is these approaches are scalable to allow the same benefits for much smaller organizations and companies. They too can benefit from a similar program and approach.”

For the future, the company wants to create partnerships with likeminded organizations to expand their offerings to new geographical and verticals. “We have been successful in both these aspects, and we are experiencing unprecedented growth while retaining our high level of service,” states Bruce. IE


Fusion Security


Bruce Marginson
Fusion Security


Fusion’s depth of experience, and proven ability to develop, implement, and manage, effective and efficient integrated security programs, define our industry leadership. These are key foundational components in the overall success for our clients, our employees, and our business.

Empowering Leaders Magazine