Bruce Marginson, President Fusion Security, 10 Most Empowering Leaders of 2023

Kevin Reed
HB Mechanical Services Inc.

Bruce Marginson, President Fusion Security

An Impactful Leader

Kevin Reed, President of HB Mechanical Services, can be termed a pioneering leader, finding ways to differentiate HB Mechanical from its competitors and adapting to changing market demands. He has fostered a culture of creativity and encouraged associates to think outside the box. Focusing on developing products and services to grow the market, providing and articulating a compelling mission and strategy that inspires the team, make sound decisions that drive significant changes within the company are some of his brilliant accomplishments.

Kevin offers strong leadership that fosters a positive work environment, promotes collaboration, and sets the tone for success. In helping associates understand today's dynamic business landscape, adaptability is crucial. Kevin knows that the fast-paced environment needs quick responses to market shifts, embrace new technologies, and adjust the right strategies to stay relevant and thrive. “Being open to change and proactively seeking opportunities for improvement enables HB Mechanical to transform and stay ahead of the curve,” says Kevin. “Recognizing the importance of our associates and empowering them to contribute to HB Mechanical's success. Our team at HB Mechanical is referred to as associates, not employees. Employees work for you, Associates work with you, and everyone has a say at HB Mechanical.”

According to Kevin, as a leader, people always look toward the future. “I learned a successful leader surrounds himself with people who will align with the vision to accomplish the needed tasks as the company moves forward into its next growth steps,” explains Kevin. “The one thing I learned from my mentors is to delegate. Believe in yourself even when the road looks impassable. An impactful leader will find a way.”

Kevin has been taking the company to new heights with this brilliant mindset. The mission of HB Mechanical, “Provide Solutions that Deliver Results,” is close to the steadfast leader’s heart, and he strives to become the first company the clients call when they have an issue. “Even if that issue is not within our normal service line of business. We think outside the box and are not afraid to bring in outside assistance where and when needed,” elucidates Kevin. “This business model has helped us become a one-stop shop for many of our clients and has created several lines of business we were not in a few years back, thus expanding our services to a broader client base now.”

HB Mechanical believes in going above and beyond to meet the customer’s needs. For instance, even though HB Mechanical’s primary services include Commercial HVAC, Plumbing, Boiler, Generator, and Disaster Recovery, HB Mechanical has a customer mention that they needed their windows tinted at one of their offices in a day. They got the call, and HB Mechanical helped them and got it done. That one act of service made a significant impression on the customer who went to their corporate offices. This customer has locations all over the United States, and corporate was thinking about having one company provide all their HVAC services nationwide to save money, which would not have included HB Mechanical; however, because of this one act of going outside the box of their standard service, the Corporate Office decided to keep HB Mechanical for the Texas region if they expanded their services to include the Dallas/Fort Worth marketplace, which they did.

In another instance, after Hurricane Harvey in 2017, Kevin noticed one of their hospital clients was flying patients out of the hospital from their helipad. Upon discussions with the hospital C Staff, he learned there was no potable water and would not be any for several weeks. Transporting patients to other locations out of the affected area was costly. “I ask if we come up with a way to restore potable water could they eliminate moving patients? The answer was a resounding yes. My team went to work and within 18 hours we had potable water restored to the hospital for 21 days,” states Kevin. “Not only did we save the client an enormous cost of transporting patients, we learned after the fact that we prevented a large business interruption insurance claim by simply finding a Solution the Delivered Results. This idea has transformed into a new line of business for HB Mechanical Disaster Services Division.”

Kevin and his team of experts love to be involved in their client’s outreach efforts and the community. “We hold an annual Charity golf tournament that supports a local animal rescue organization. HB Mechanical associates are involved with customers’ internal and external community events. Several associates sit on the planning committees of these organizations,” he concludes.


HB Mechanical Services Inc.


Kevin Reed
HB Mechanical Services Inc.


HB Mechanical Services was founded in 2009 to provide Commercial HVAC services to the Greater Houston & Greater Triangle markets in Texas. In our beginnings, we focused predominantly on HVAC service and retrofit for the Health Care sector. These humble beginnings would lead the company to become a leading HVAC commercial service provider for multiple markets within the Health Care, Industrial, Distribution, Commercial Office, K-12 and Universities, Pharmacy, and more business sectors.

Empowering Leaders Magazine